Global Audits Uncover Widespread Sensor Issues in Mission Critical Data Centers

June 10, 2024

By Standard Calibrations, Inc.

Company News

CHESAPEAKE, Va. (June 10, 2024) – As the demand for artificial intelligence continues to surge, concerns about the environmental impact of data centers are escalating, particularly regarding their substantial energy and water usage. The nationwide imperative to ensure the sustainability of data centers, which house the advanced data processing technology essential for AI operations, is receiving unprecedented attention. After calibrating over 100,000+ sensors in live data centers, Standard Calibrations, Inc. (SCI), the leading authority in sensor accuracy for data center building management systems (BMS), issued a whitepaper with alarming audit findings: 1 in 4 sensors that were monitoring essential functions such as heating, cooling, humidity control, and other operations were found to be inaccurate. Furthermore, installation deficiencies were identified in new data centers more than 15% of the time. SCI attributes these inaccuracies to various root causes, including evolving technology demands and oversights in sensor design, selection, and installation.

Recognizing the significant need, SCI has launched SensorProQ™, a no-cost sensor health check service for building management systems. SensorProQ is a comprehensive, no-fee health check performed onsite at data centers to uncover potential sensor and monitoring issues affecting building system performance. The health check provides actionable recommendations to address identified problems proactively.

"The potential financial repercussions of inaccurate building sensors can be severe," warns SCI President Mike Meyer. "In a recent case, a global SCI customer had initiated a $3M project to upgrade critical supply fans believed to be underperforming based on inaccurate sensor data. If we had not intervened by verifying sensor installation and setup during our preliminary health checks and then recalibrating out-of-tolerance sensors, the customer would have proceeded with this unnecessary multi-million dollar upgrade. For data center owners and operators, this reality begs the question: Can I truly trust the integrity of my building sensor data?" Meyer emphasizes that accurate sensors alone will not guarantee precise measurements of heat, humidity, cooling capacity, and other essential building measurements. "Ensuring sensor accuracy within the building after installation and at regular intervals is vital to maintaining system performance and preventing unplanned and unnecessary risk and costs."


Beyond Calibration: Ensuring Accurate Measurement

Meyer emphasizes that accurate measurement requires more than just a calibrated instrument. For sensors to provide reliable data, they must be:

  • The correct type and range for the application
  • Properly installed and oriented as per manufacturer instructions
  • Correctly wired and programmed into the Building Management System (BMS)

SCI’s extensive experience in QAQC audits of BMS systems and equipment highlights common issues that can compromise sensor accuracy. In over 108,000 BMS sensors inspected, 15.7% were installed incorrectly. These errors underscore the importance of thorough inspection and proper installation practices.

Key Considerations for Accurate Sensor Data

Meyer outlines several key considerations for ensuring sensor accuracy:

Choosing the Right Manufacturers and Sensors: Not all sensors are created equal. It is crucial to select sensors from manufacturers who calibrate every sensor they sell and are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025. Additionally, the chosen sensors must meet the specific accuracy and range requirements of the data center’s systems.

Proper Sensor Installation: Accurate sensors must be installed in appropriate locations with proper orientation to provide reliable measurements. Incorrect installation can lead to inaccurate data, compromising system performance.

Sensor Setup and BMS Integration: Sensors must be correctly set up and integrated into the BMS. This includes ensuring that BMS input scaling and sensor output ranges match, and that the sensor input is mapped accurately on the BMS graphics.

Safeguarding Data Center Performance: A Call to Action

Accurate building sensor data is the cornerstone of maintaining system performance and achieving sustainability targets for data center owners and operators. However, drifting, inaccurate, or failing sensors can have severe consequences and may lead to underperforming HVAC systems, increased energy consumption, and unnecessary equipment wear—all of which can significantly impact risk and cost.

Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of building sensors is a strategic imperative for business executives seeking to safeguard their data center investments and maintain a competitive edge. By leveraging SCI's free SensorProQ health check services, data center owners and operators can take the first step toward ensuring data integrity, optimizing system performance and uptime, and driving operational excellence.

As part of the SensorProQ service, SCI also offers QAQC surveys and consultations that help mitigate risk by ensuring sensors are installed correctly, fully setup, and functioning as intended. These SensorProQ checks are conducted seamlessly and with no disruption to critical data center operations.

Data center owners, operators, and managers can learn more or schedule an onsite, no-cost SensorProQ audit online at

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About Standard Calibrations, Inc.:

Standard Calibrations, Inc. (SCI), is the global technical authority and premier provider of end-to-end calibration services, delivering mission critical accuracy and control across various industries from naval and defense to data centers, energy and beyond. Located in Chesapeake, Virginia, SCI’s 44,500-square-foot facility, calibration laboratories, and expert technicians provide ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration services both in-lab and onsite anywhere in the world, any time. Learn more about why every measurement matters by visiting


Carson Horn, APR


Standard Calibrations, Inc. (SCI) of Chesapeake, Virginia, the leading authority in sensor calibrations for building management systems (BMS), warns that overlooking sensor inaccuracy can lead to costly downtime and operational inefficiencies for data centers.

Data Integrity Breakthrough: SCI Launches No-Cost Solution
to Address Inaccurate Sensor Data